REALESTATE - Growing your personal brand is the key to growth and success

REALESTATE - Growing your personal brand is the key to growth and success

People don’t talk enough about the importance of ‘brand', many assume ‘brand’ is just a logo, the use of certain colours and templates. Brand is actually the entire identity of a business. The same is true for your personal brand.

In realestate you’re supported as an individual by the brand (company) you work for, the ‘backbone' if you like. Most Clients have already made their mind up they want to sell (most likely) their largest asset with a reputable, well know agency. No doubt that’s why you chose the agency you work for now - a reputable brand, same theory.

But as we all know, every salesperson within your agency is competing, aggressively, for business.

At the very basic level, the key to success is - 'Brand. Is. Everything'. And this is where success lies for you, growing your PERSONAL brand, supported by the company brand you work for.

With twenty years in advertising working on global brands both here in New Zealand and abroad, there are a number of key learnings I have taken in that time that separate the good brands from the bloody great brands. 

In the latter part of my career I spent 4 years with Saatchi & Saatchi in London on a program called ‘Lovemarks’. 'Lovemarks thinking' is the unique way we look at the relationships people have with brands whether that's products, services or entities. I worked with companies across Asia Pac on how to build their brands using the ‘Lovemarks’ principals.

If you would like to know how The Duo can help contribute towards growing (or even maintaining) your own personal brand please enquire here - it’s not as hard as you think, but it does require consistency.